
The state as organizing framework

John Bernard Quigley (OSU): Who Admits New Members to the United Nations? (Think Twice Before You Answer) Nneoma Chigozie Udeariry (Westminster): How Effectively has the UN and Regional Organizations Cooperated in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security? From Quadrant, John O’Sullivan on global governance v democratic sovereignty; Keith Windschuttle on Pax Americana and US decline; and beware the global citizen, Patrick McCauley warns. From Global Brief, stateless people, people-less states: Douglas Glover on why the state as organizing framework remains stable, while the people it serves may be (made) vulnerable; and Jeremi Suri on why the state still matters. Lionel Beehner and Joseph Young on the failure of the Failed States Index. The geopolitical fabric with which we have grown up seems to be unraveling in spots, and a new patchwork taking its place in Africa, the Middle East, North and South America, and beyond.