Bookforum editors

  • Paper Trail September 11, 2024

    In The Guardian, Moira Donegan covers last night’s presidential debate: “Trump failed to convincingly land attacks on Harris, and instead he spent much of the night arguing on the turf that his opponent chose for him. There was no bait she offered him that he didn’t take.” Tonight at Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon, Charlotte […]
  • Paper Trail August 27, 2024

    For The Nation, Benjamin Kunkel considers Daniel Susskind’s Growth: A History and a Reckoning and Kohei Saito’s Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto, and cites a recent Nature article stating that due to the effects of climate change, “the world economy is committed to an income reduction of 19% within the next 26 years independent of […]
  • Paper Trail August 20, 2024

    At The Guardian, Sammy Feldblum profiles Daniel Denvir, the journalist and host of the socialist podcast The Dig. Since October 7, the podcast has been primarily devoted to discussing the war in Gaza and the “reactionary, colonialist propaganda” about the Arab world in the US. This week, Denvir is attending the DNC as an alternate […]
  • Cover of Out of the Vinyl Deeps: Ellen Willis on Rock Music
    Interviews March 7, 2012

    Last Spring, the University of Minnesota Press published Out of the Vinyl Deeps, a collection of critic Ellen Willis’s music writings. Willis became the first pop music critic for the New Yorker in 1968, earning the post on the strength of an essay about Bob Dylan she wrote for Commentary,which caught the eye of William Shawn. She held the post until 1975, filing deeply insightful articles about the Velvet Underground, Elvis in Vegas, Woodstock, and her beloved Rolling Stones. She was a force in the nascent field of pop criticism, setting precedents that music critics still look to today.