David Kurnick

  • Fiction February 12, 2025

    SOME OF US are still getting over Alan Hollinghurst’s The Swimming-Pool Library. It’s been nearly forty years since the young aristocrat Will Beckwith sucked and fucked his way through an all-male London on the cusp of the AIDS epidemic. But for more than a few people I know, phrases from the novel can still conjure, […]
  • Fiction December 29, 2022

    The Ishiguro blurb (“The most exciting discovery I’ve made in fiction for some time”) might be designed to entice skittish readers of literary fiction into committing to six hundred pages of horror. Who better than the SF-dabbling Nobel laureate to assure us that we can indulge our genre pleasures and remain serious people? Mariana Enriquez’s Our Share of Night, her first novel to be translated into English, comes well weighted with prestige-ballast: the novel won the 2019 Herralde Prize awarded by the Spanish publishing house Anagrama, and her second story collection, The Dangers of Smoking in Bed, was shortlisted for
  • *Paul Klee, _Angelus Novus_, 1920.*
    Fiction December 9, 2021

    At some point in moving from The Savage Detectives to 2666, Bolaño sketched a map (or diagram, or dream image) of Santa Teresa, the city on whose outskirts Cesárea Tinajero dies in the earlier book and that would become the center of his final novel. The picture (which you can find in the exhibition catalogue Archivo Bolaño 1977-2003) looks like a classic grid in a process of decomposition: names of landmarks or neighborhoods float in a disjointed space connected by gestural lines indicating streets or thoroughfares. But even in this exploded condition, we recognize how Bolaño’s imagination tends to geographical