
Your Face Tomorrow: Poison, Shadow, and Farewell by Javier Marías

Your Face Tomorrow: Poison, Shadow, and Farewell (3) BY Javier Marías. New Directions. Hardcover, 480 pages. $24.
Cover of Your Face Tomorrow: Poison, Shadow, and Farewell (3)

Your Face Tomorrow, the enormously ambitious novel in three volumes by the Spanish writer Javier Marías, began seven years ago with a warning: “One should never tell anyone anything.” Not that Marías or his narrator, Jaime Deza, believes this advice—both go on to violate it for nearly 1,300 pages. But that opening remark haunts all that follows. Like so much fiction by Marías, Your Face Tomorrow returns again and again to the moral complications of storytelling: the hidden motives behind the stories we tell; the inevitable inaccuracies of language; the way that just listening to a story can implicate us in what it recounts. As the narrator of another Marias novel, Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me, says: “the only safe option would be never to say or do anything.”