Emily Doe, the woman whose statement at Brock Turner’s sentencing for assaulting her went viral after being published by BuzzFeed, is writing a memoir. Know My Name will be published under Doe’s real name, Chanel Miller, by Viking. “I jumped out of my chair to acquire it,” Viking editor in chief Andrea Schulz told the New York Times. “It was just obvious to me from the beginning what she had to say and how different it was and how extraordinarily well she was going to say it. She had the brain and the voice of a writer from the very beginning, even in that situation.”
At Literary Hub, Marcus Creaghan reflects on pain, writing, and narrative medicine. “Disease, and the ravaging treatment meant to address it, had caused a fundamental disjunction between my body and my self. Secrets, misreadings, and incomprehension flooded the void,” he writes. “But the framework of narrative medicine also showed me how to repurpose that feeling of alienation.”
After protests by climate activists, the New York Times has decided not to sponsor the Oil and Money conference in London “because its subject matter ‘gives [them] cause for concern,’” The Guardian reports. At Columbia Journalism Review, Emily Tamkin wonders if CNN can avoid falling into a “‘both sides’ version of the climate story” it its upcoming climate change town hall.
Politico White House reporter Eliana Johnson is joining the Washington Free Beacon as editor in chief, BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith reports.
As part of the magazine’s union contract negotiations, New Yorker fact checkers and editors will no longer be hired as subcontractors. Bloomberg reports that subcontracted employees “lacked paid holidays and vacation, received less generous health insurance and were excluded from some company events.” Not all of the magazine’s editors and fact checkers were subcontracted however, which pushed subcontractors “to work more and complain less in hopes of becoming full-fledged employees.” According to Bloomberg, staffers “who made that transition said it involved the surreal experience of undergoing Condé Nast corporate orientation, including touring the building, then going right back to the same work they had been doing.”