paper trail

Mario Vargas Llosa is "flabbergasted" by the New York Times

Mario Vargas Llosa

After announcing the death of culture in his new book, Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa finds yet more evidence of it in a New York Times review (quite a trenchant and perceptive one, if you ask us) by Joshua Cohen. Vargas Llosa’s objection to some “slanderous and perfidious . . . gossip” originally included in the piece has prompted a long and delightful NYT correction. (Note to fact-checkers: the Daily Mail doesn’t count as a source.)

The anti-diversity (or pro-”quality”) faction at sci-fi’s legendary Hugo Awards appears to have lost this round.

Amid a “dystopian landscape” for magazines, the younger Wenner is gradually taking over a still-old-fashioned Rolling Stone.

As editors and staff writers unionize, Forbes pities the freelancer.

Another blow for those of us who enjoy reading the deleted tweets of politicians: after cutting off Politwoops at home a while back, Twitter has now done the same to equivalents abroad.