a little knowledge can go a long way
a lot of professionals are crackpots
a man can’t know what it is to be a mother
a name means a lot just by itself
a positive attitude makes all the difference in the world a relaxed man is not necessarily a better man
a sense of timing is the mark of genius
a sincere effort is all you can ask
a single event can have infinitely many interpretations a solid home base builds a sense of self
a strong sense of duty imprisons you
absolute submission can be a form of freedom abstraction is a type of decadence
abuse of power comes as no surprise
action causes more trouble than thought
alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries
all things are delicately interconnected
ambition is just as dangerous as complacency ambivalence can ruin your life
an elite is inevitable
anger or hate can be a useful motivating force animalism is perfectly healthy
any surplus is immoral
anything is a legitimate area of investigation
artificial desires are despoiling the earth
at times inactivity is preferable to mindless functioning
at times your unconscious is truer than your conscious mind automation is deadly
awful punishment awaits really bad people
bad intentions can yield good results
being alone with yourself is increasingly unpopular
being happy is more important than anything else
being judgmental is a sign of life
being sure of yourself means you’re a fool
believing in rebirth is the same as admitting defeat
boredom makes you do crazy things
calm is more conducive to creativity than is anxiety categorizing fear is calming
change is valuable because it lets the oppressed be tyrants chasing the new is dangerous to society
children are the most cruel of all
children are the hope of the future
class action is a nice idea with no substance
class structure is as artificial as plastic
confusing yourself is a way to stay honest
crime against property is relatively unimportant
decadence can be an end in itself
decency is a relative thing
dependence can be a meal ticket
description is more valuable than metaphor
deviants are sacrificed to increase group solidarity
disgust is the appropriate response to most situations disorganization is a kind of anesthesia
don’t place too much trust in experts
don’t run people’s lives for them
drama often obscures the real issues
dreaming while awake is a frightening contradiction
dying and coming back gives you considerable perspective dying should be as easy as falling off a log
eating too much is criminal
elaboration is a form of pollution
emotional responses are as valuable as intellectual responses enjoy yourself because you can’t change anything anyway ensure that your life stays in flux even your family can betray you
every achievement requires a sacrifice
everyone’s work is equally important
everything that’s interesting is new
exceptional people deserve special concessions
expiring for love is beautiful but stupid
expressing anger is necessary
extreme behavior has its basis in pathological psychology extreme self-consciousness leads to perversion
faithfulness is a social not a biological law
fake or real indifference is a powerful personal weapon fathers often use too much force
fear is the greatest incapacitator
freedom is a luxury not a necessity
giving free rein to your emotions is an honest way to live
go all out in romance and let the chips fall where they may going with the flow is soothing but risky
good deeds eventually are rewarded
government is a burden on the people
grass roots agitation is the only hope
guilt and self-laceration are indulgences
habitual contempt doesn’t reflect a finer sensibility
hiding your emotions is despicable
holding back protects your vital energies
humanism is obsolete
humor is a release
ideals are replaced by conventional goals at a certain age
if you aren’t political your personal life should be exemplary if you can’t leave your mark give up
if you have many desires your life will be interesting
if you live simply there is nothing to worry about
ignoring enemies is the best way to fight
illness is a state of mind
imposing order is man’s vocation for chaos is hell
in some instances it’s better to die than to continue inheritance must be abolished
it can be helpful to keep going no matter what
it is heroic to try to stop time
it is man’s fate to outsmart himself
Holzer, Jenny. Truisms. 1978–1987. Photostat. Museum of Modern Art. New York. moma.org.
Excerpt from Burn It Down!: Feminist Manifestos for the Revolution by Breanne Fahs, published by Verso Books. Copyright © 2020 by Breanne Fahs.