Larissa MacFarquhar on Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media, by Susan J. Douglas

Barry Schwabsky on Isamu Noguchi: Essays and Conversations, ed. Diane Apostolos-Cappadona and Bruce Altshuler, and Isamu Nogochi, by Bruce Altshuler

Brian Massumi on Culture on the Brink: Ideologies of Technology, ed. Gretchen Bender and Timothy Druckrey, Crash: Nostalgia for the Absence of Cyberspace, ed. Robert Reynolds and Thomas Zummer, Mosquitoes: A Handbook for Survival, by Ken Kaplan and Ted Krueger, and Invisible Rendezvous: Connection and Collaboration in the New Landscape of Electronic Writing, by Rob Wittig of IN.S.OMNIA

Lee Smith on Philip Guston’s Late Work: A Memoir, by William Corbett

Jeanne Silverthorne on Mining the Museum: An Installation by Fred Wilson, ed. Lisa G. Corrin

Thomas McEvilley on The Avant-Garde in Exhibition, by Bruce Altshuler

Andrew Ross on Dangerous Crossroads: Popular Music, Postmodernism and the Poetics of Place, by George Lipsitz

Carol Squiers on The Playboy Book: The Complete Pictorial History, by Gretchen Edgren, In and Out of Fashion, by William Klein, Life’s America, by Wendy Kozol, and Farewell to Bosnia by Gilles Peress

Barry Schwabsky on Vito Acconci, by Kate Linker

Anthony Korner on Our Films, Their Films, by Satyajit Ray

Philip Taaffe on Paul Bowles–Photographs: “How could I send a picture into the desert?”, ed. Simon Bischoff

Molly Nesbit on New York Dada, 1915-23, by Francis M. Naumann

Arthur C. Danto on Theory and Philosophy of Art: Style, Artist, and Society, by Meyer Schapiro

Bruce Hainley on Finitude’s Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, by Avital Ronell

Richard Martin on Norman Parkinson: Photographs, 1935-1990, by Martin Harrison, and A Singular Elegance: The Photographs of Baron Adolphe de Meyer, by Anne Ehrenkranz

Collier Schorr on Mel Ramos: Pop Art Images, with an introduction by Robert Rosenblum

bell hooks on Blue, by Derek Jarman

Howard Hampton on “If They Move…Kill ‘Em!”: The Life and Times of Sam Peckinpah, by David Weddle

Gary Indiana on Faithfull: An Autobiography, by Marianne Faithfull, with David Dalton

Richard Flood on Talking Pictures, ed. Marvin Heiferman and Susan Kismaric

Rhonda Lieberman on The GenX Reader, ed. Douglas Rushkoff

Lisa Liebmann on Making It New: Essays, Interviews, and Talks, by Henry Geldzahler

Harold Bloom on The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910 – 1940, ed. and annotated by Gershom Scholem and Theodor W. Adorno

Linda Nochlin on Secret Lives in Art, by Jill Johnston