Wayne Koestenbaum on Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll, by M. G. Lord, Barbie’s Queer Accessories, by Erica Rand, Dream Doll: The Ruth Handler Story, by Ruth Handler, The Art of Barbie: Artists Celebrate the World’s Favorite Doll, ed. Craig Yoe, and Barbie: What a Doll!, by Barbie, as told to Laura Jacobs

Yve-Alain Bois on Mondrian: The Art of Destruction, by Carel Blotkamp, Mondrian: On the Humanity of Abstract Painting, by Meyer Schapiro, and Natural Reality and Abstract Reality: An Essay in Trialogue Form (1919-1920), by Piet Mondrian

Justin Spring on David Hockney, by Paul Melia and Ulrich Luckhardt, David Hockney, by Peter Clothier, and David Hockney: Poster Art, by David Hockney

Richard Shone on Howard Hodgkin, by Andrew Graham-Dixon

Jean-Pierre Criqui on Writings/Interviews, by Richard Serra

Richard Martin on The Empire of Fashion: Dressing Modern Democracy, by Gilles Lipovetsky, Sex and Suits: The Evolution of Modern Dress, by Anne Hollander, and The Culture of Fashion: A New History of Fashionable Dress, by Christopher Breward

Patrick McGrath on My Education: A Book of Dreams, by William S. Burroughs

Carol Squiers on Mapplethorpe: A Biography, by Patricia Morrisroe, Body and Soul: Andres Serrano, ed. Brian Wallis, The Body and the Lens: Photography 1839 to the Present, by John Pultz, The Body Exposed: 150 Years of Nude Photography, ed. Michael Kohler, 1000 Nudes: Uwe Scheid Collection, by Michael Koetzle, and Desire by Numbers, photographs by Nan Goldin, fiction by Klaus Kertess

D.A. Miller on Roland Barthes: A Biography, by Louis-Jean Calvet

Bruce Hainley on Homos, by Leo Bersani

Richard Schiff on Figuring Jasper Johns, by Fred Orton

Rhonda Lieberman on Between Friends: The Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy, 1949-1975, ed. Carol Brightman

Michael Musto on Lettin It All Hang Out: An Autobiography, by RuPaul

Mim Udovitch on Vamps & Tramps: New Essays, by Camille Paglia

bell hooks on Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s, by Ann Douglas

John Ash on The Cubist Poets in Paris: An Anthology, ed. LeRoy C. Breunig, and Hollywood, Mecca of the Movies, by Blaise Cendrars

Peter Schjeldahl on David Salle, 1979-1994, by Lisa Liebmann, ed. David Whitney

Jeffrey Deitch on Making Modernism: Picasso and the Creation of the Market for Twentieth-Century Art, by Michael C. FitzGerald

Arthur C. Danto on Three Essays on Style, by Erwin Panofsky