
The presidential contest

From Political Theology, Michelle Gonzalez on Religion in the 2012 Presidential Election; Brian J. Auten reviews The End of Evangelicalism? Discerning a New Faithfulness for Mission — Towards an Evangelical Political Theology by David E. Fitch; and Andrew D. Walsh reviews The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism by Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson. Vanessa Williamson on the Tea Party and the remaking of Republican conservatism. An interview with Phyllis Schlafly: “Obama is working to build one nation under coercive secularism”. The philosophers have spoken: With over 1800 votes cast, the philosophers have made clear their choices for President. From The Platypus, an interview with Cornel West and Carl Dix on Election 2012. James W. Ceaser on the Businessman and the Intellectual: Despite endless debate about the issues, the presidential contest comes down to character. Democracy is rule by everybody: rule by the ignorant — this is not ideal, but the alternatives (rule by Marxist technocrats, for example, or by military thugs) are worse. From GeoCurrents, here are Martin W. Lewis’s video lectures on the “History and Geography of U.S. Presidential Elections”, a Stanford Continuing Studies course from the Fall 2008.