
The return of Japan

Joff Bradley (Toyo): Is the Otaku Becoming-Overman? Charles Yuji (Osaka): Why Has Japan's Massive Government Debt Not Wreaked Havoc (Yet)? To illustrate just how woeful Japan’s fiscal conditions are now, one merely has to look at how they were in March 1945. Forget the PS4 — here’s what’s really saving the Japanese economy. An interview with Anne Allison, author of Precarious Japan. Satish Tandon on going backwards in Japan: Say goodbye to a system that was equitable and among the fairest in the world. Kozo Kiyota and Tetsuji Okazaki on industrial policy and productivity: The case of import quota removal during post-war Japan. Japan is still not owning up to its dark history: Kenneth Courtis on why Prime Minister Abe’s fourth arrow should be a credible national apology. Reflections 68 years on: Yuki Tanaka on how to address an irresponsible state. Self-defence can look menacing: An article on Japan’s national-security strategy. Can a shriveled Japan defend itself? J. Berkshire Miller investigates. Have Murakami’s novels eased political tension in East Asia? Dennis Abrams wonders. Joseph Nye on the return of Japan. Sean Richey on how Japan’s enduring political inequality just won’t go away. Danielle Wiener-Bronner on how Japan keeps executing prisoners without giving them any warning. Japanese mafia rounds up homeless men to clean up Fukushima. Alexis Agliano Sanborn on why Tokyo's Two Towers embody shift “from modern to postmodern”. Koji Mizoguchi, author of The Archaeology of Japan, finds that a simple interest in the world around us is the starting point for archaeological inquiry.