
A radical idea

A new issue of Cadmus Journal is out. Keith Hoskin (Warwick) and Debin Ma and Richard H. Macve (LSE): A Genealogy of Myths About the Rationality of Accounting in the West and in the East. Jakob Norberg (Duke): The Banality of Narrative: Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem. Ross B. Emmett (Michigan State): Malthus with Institutions: A Comparative Analysis of Prudential Restraint. James Tyner (Kent State) and Joshua Inwood (Tennessee): Violence as Fetish: Geography, Marxism, and Dialectics. Mark P. Hampton, Julia Jeyachaya, and Donna Lee (Kent): The Political Economy of Precarious Work in the Tourism Industry in Small Island Developing States. Playing favorites: Rebecca MacKinnon on how if a company were to commit to decline all government censorship surveillance requests, it would be able to do business precisely nowhere. Noam Scheiber on the case for socialized law: When a rich person can buy more justice than a normal person, it perverts society — here's a radical idea for fixing it. James Kingsland reviews Cells to Civilizations: the Principles of Change that Shape Life by Enrico Coen. Obamacare is not a job killer: CBO updates it's Obamacare projections — the critics update their Obamacare distortions. The prophet of no profit: Matthew Yglesias on how Jeff Bezos won the faith of Wall Street. Jeff Madrick on Obama’s toughest job. Lawrence Lessig on how to make Americans care about money corrupting politics. The presidency comes with executive power — deal with it: Obama's just doing what he's empowered to do.