
Feminist critique

Mwiine Amon (Makere): Understanding Gender Mainstreaming. Rachel Camp (Georgetown): Coercing Pregnancy. Gina Masullo Chen (Southern Mississippi): Don't Call Me That: A Techno-Feminist Critique of the Term Mommy Blogger. Lua K. Yuille (Kansas): Sex in the Sexy Workplace. Liesl Gambold (Dalhousie): Retirement Abroad as Women’s Aging Strategy. Dzung Kieu Nguyen (SUNY-Albany): Postpatriarchy. A student’s request to be excused from course work on religious grounds so he would not have to interact with female peers has opened a fractious debate over how institutions navigate between competing human rights. Are there universal human rights or not?: Rayyan Al-Shawaf reviews Do Muslim Women Need Saving? by Lila Abu-Lughod. The introduction to Gender and Pop Culture by Patricia Leavy and Adrienne Trier-Bieniek. Ann Friedman on the problem with Sheryl Sandberg’s “Ban Bossy” campaign. Rebecca Traister on the uselessness of hating Sheryl Sandberg: Blaming the Lean In author for capitalism or competitive parenting is another way of letting the guys off the hook. Emily Matchar on the latest target of the men's rights movement: The definition of rape. The GOP’s Working Mom Schizophrenia: Republicans are slamming Wendy Davis for abandoning her kids to go to law school, even as they praise Cathy McMorris Rodgers for being a working mom in Congress. Mike Huckabee's advice for running against a woman: Treat them as “special treasure” on a “pedestal”. Mary Beard on the public voice of women. Katie Heaney on 15 books to spark your feminist awakening.