
What’s Russian for "hacker"?

From Technology Review, the Semantic Web goes mainstream: Radar Networks is unveiling a new tool that provides a smarter way to find information and increase productivity. Images uploaded to photo-sharing websites like Flickr could find a surprising new application – they could help build accurate 3D models of the real world. What’s Russian for "hacker"? A formula for Web schemes: a lot of mathematicians, a lax legal system and Western targets. Can Google kill PowerPoint? A look at how mighty Google is ringing changes by aiming to break open the closed world of social networking (and more). From Carnegie Council, a talk with Cass Sunstein on Republic 2.0. Where's my free Wi-Fi? Why municipal wireless networks have been such a flop. Even though online advertising is growing fast, that growth is being stunted, industry executives say, because nobody can get the basic visitor counts straight. The Internet gets its first full census for 25 years.