
Politics in southern Europe

From Island Studies, a special section on islands and the borders of Southern Europe. Luca Petruzzellis (Bari Aldo Moro) and C. Samuel Craig (NYU): Separate But Together: Mediterranean Identity in Three Countries. Gracia Trujillo (UCLM) and Ana Cristina Santos (Coimbra): “The First Revolution Is Survival”: Queer and Feminist Resistances to the Crisis and Austerity Politics in Southern Europe. Angeliki Vourdaki (LSE): Do Greek Voters Want More Grassroots Politics? Inside the voter’s mind: Perceptions and Understanding of Golden Dawn’s activity. Why can’t Greece shake its corruption problem? Thanassis Cambanis on a country where everyone knows a thousand ways around the rules. Franco Viviani and Alessandra Locati (Padua): Preliminary Insights on the Mental Representation of the Body in Italians. Simone Natale (Columbia) and Andrea Ballatore (UCD): The Web Will Kill Them All: New Media, Digital Utopia, and Political Struggle in the Italian 5-Star Movement. From LRB, Perry Andreson on the Italian disaster. Roberto Orsi on why Italy will not make it. Juan Rodriguez Teruel (Valencia): Does Leaders' Radicalization Make More Radical Voters? Party Elites, Outbidding Competition and Secessionism in Catalonia. Catalan and its discontents: The problems of a multilingual Spain. Jose Luis Marti (Pompeu Fabra): Democracy, Indignados, and the Republican Tradition in Spain. Ernesto Castaneda (UTEP): The Indignados and Occupy Movements as Political Challenges to Representative Democracy. How has Podemos gone from inception to Spain's most popular political party in less than a year? Gabriel Paquette (Johns Hopkins): Liberalism in the Early Nineteenth-century Iberian World. Mauro Rodrigues on being a Portuguese returnee on his own country.