
The strange inevitability of evolution

Pierrick Bourrat (Sydney): Reconceptualising Evolution by Natural Selection. Darwinian conundrums: An interview by Richard Marshall of the LSE. Philip Ball on the strange inevitability of evolution: Good solutions to biology’s problems are astonishingly plentiful. What caused the Cambrian Explosion? Science can now understand far better one of the previously intractable problems in evolutionary biology — the origin of novelty. Victor Yu. Argonov (RAS): The Pleasure Principle as a Tool for Scientific Forecasting of Human Self-Evolution. Michele Loi (Minho), Elia Stupka (San Raffaele), and Lorenzo Del Savio (Milan): Epigenetics and Future Generations. Are humans the main driver of human evolution? Jerry A. Coyne reviews Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation are Changing Life on Earth by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans. Humans are still evolving despite massive recent lifestyle changes, study finds. No, evolution doesn’t disprove Lean In’s arguments. Danielle Paquette on how survival of the fittest might have actually been survival of the richest. Mariam Thalos (Utah): Altruism, Selfishness and So Much In-Between. The biology of being good to others: H. Allen Orr reviews Does Altruism Exist?Culture, Genes, and the Welfare of Others by David Sloan Wilson. You can download Evolution of Social Behavior to Homo and After by Gigi Tevzadze (2013).