
Social media companies aren’t just an open marketplace for ideas

Daniel Gayo-Avello (Oviedo): Social Media and Authoritarianism. Who’s responsible when extremists get a platform? Social media companies aren’t just an open marketplace for ideas — they’re also amplifying the most dangerous ones. On Twitter, a battle among political bots: Some robot accounts protest; others expose racists; and at least one — aimed at people looking for a fight — keeps them busy talking to a brick wall. In defense of the Twitter essay: Some find it obnoxious, but threading tweets is a unique writing form that creates vibrant, democratic conversations. Social media is killing discourse because it’s too much like TV: We need more text and fewer videos and memes in the age of Trump.

What’s Facebook going to do after fake news? It’s time to decide: What is Facebook’s mission? A challenge to Facebook’s reach and power is long overdue. Leighton Andrews on why Europe should regulate Facebook and Google. Google is not “just” a platform — it frames, shapes and distorts how we see the world. Google “must review its search rankings because of rightwing manipulation”: Hate sites are dominating and controlling searches on Muslims, Jews, Hitler and women and search engine is failing to tackle problem. Carole Cadwalladr on Google, democracy and the truth about Internet search.