
Theses on American democracy

From Harvard Magazine, Spencer Lenfield on Danielle Allen’s mission to return equality to the heart of American democracy (and more); and neighbors and the power of proximity: Lydialyle Gibson reviews Good Neighbors: The Democracy of Everyday Life in America by Nancy Rosenblum. Orwell, Rawls and Trump: Martin O’Neill on citizenship and democratic culture. Ned Resnikoff is against sentimental democracy: It’s time to get past meaningless terms like “the will of the people” — with a less sentimental, more precise view of why democracy is so important, we can become better democratic citizens. Michael Quirk on eleven theses on American democracy.

The end of managerial liberalism: Timothy Shenk interviews K. Sabeel Rahman, author of Democracy against Domination. Fareed Zakaria on how America’s democracy has become illiberal. Kenan Malik on how liberalism is suffering but democracy is doing just fine. The anti-democratic urge: With populism on the rise in both parties, it has become fashionable for elites to bash the masses — but we need more democracy, not less. Francis Fukuyama on America, the failed state: America's political rot is infecting the world order — this could be as big as the Soviet collapse. America becomes a Stan: Rule of law is for the little people.