
The alt-Right and Donald Trump

From New York, a special issue on the New Reactionary Counterculture. Here’s what happens when your life becomes an alt-Right meme. A dangerous new Americanism: When extremists wield the full force of the federal government, American identity is profoundly threatened. Guns, extremism, and threats of escalation: Rick Perlstein goes behind the far-right’s “counter-resistance”. The alt-Right and Donald Trump get a divorce: Trump was powered to the Oval Office by fascists — now they feel betrayed. “Alt-Left” strategist Bannon isn’t going anywhere, Trump says. Mitch Horowitz on Steve Bannon and the occult: The right wing’s long, strange love affair with New Age mysticism.

How California gave us Trumpism: Some of the president’s most hard-line advisers forged their beliefs in reaction to what they saw in their home state. Erasing shameful moments in history is central to the white populist playbook: While Trump casts doubt on the cause of the Civil War, French and German populists try to minimize the crimes of the Holocaust. Guns and religion: Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger on how American conservatives grew closer to Putin’s Russia.