
Nearing tipping point

Angelo J. Corlett (SDSU): Are Women Beach Volleyballers “Too Sexy for Their Shirts”? A combination of historical ignorance and disastrous blundering: Richard Beck on how the US has no prospects for improving the stability of Afghan politics through military force. Putin says economic sanctions are making Russia stronger — he’s not totally wrong. Russia’s cyberwar on Ukraine is a blueprint for what’s to come. How a shorthanded Supreme Court gutted a historic civil-rights remedy. How St. Augustine invented sex: He rescued Adam and Eve from obscurity, devised the doctrine of original sin — and the rest is sexual history. American Socrates: Christopher Lydon interviews Noam Chomsky. Omarosa is now demanding people call her “Honorable”.

This was the election where the newspapers lost their monopoly on the political news agenda. Crushing saboteurs: Alan Greene on Theresa May’s “Schmittian” gamble. Soros says Britain nearing tipping point, may reverse Brexit. Cancelling Brexit: What would happen if we changed our mind about leaving the EU? A lump of rock, an otter and a secessionist: A growing number of Shetlanders are being drawn to calls by a “nutter” for more independence for their remote and scenic isles.