
Mixed results

Paul G. Tyson (Nottingham): The Politics of the Metaphysical Imagination: Critiquing Transnational Corporate Power via Plato’s Cave. Joseph Blocher and G. Mitu Gulati (Duke): Markets and Sovereignty. Germany’s anti-fake news lab yields mixed results. How Trump is stealthily carrying out his Muslim ban. The high priest of Higher Broderism: Martin Longman on Chris Cillizza. What the alt-Right learned from the Left: Hannah Gais reviews Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right by Angela Nagle (and more and more). Quantifying the influence of 4chan’s alt-Right trolls on normies’ discourse. Catherine Nichols is against Gettier problems. Not a fan of fat shaming? Stop thin praising.