
The campus free speech wars

Leslie Kendrick (Virginia): Free Speech as a Special Right. Flip-flopping on free speech: Jill Lepore on the fight for the First Amendment, on campuses and football fields, from the sixties to today. Michelle Goldberg on the worst time for the Left to give up on free speech. Michael H. Schill on the misguided student crusade against “fascism” on campus. Stop telling students free speech is traumatizing them. Joseph Heath on freedom of speech on campus (and more). Could everyone please stop freaking out about college students, please? Some thoughts on that survey claiming college students are hostile to free speech. The campus free speech wars are dramatically changing what it means to be a college Republican.

Kashana Cauley on when conservatives suppress campus speech. There is no 1st Amendment right to speak on a college campus. Erwin Chemerinsky on how hate speech is protected free speech, even on college campuses. Universities can’t have it both ways on free speech. Do Americans support free speech on college campuses? Absolutely — except sometimes. There have been so many bad lefty free-speech takes lately. Williams College president: Don’t ignore the real threats in the debate over free speech. Professors are losing their freedom of expression. Death threats are forcing professors off campus. Free speech isn’t under attack on campuses: It’s just being extended to more groups.

The two clashing meanings of “free speech”: Today’s campus controversies reflect a battle between two distinct conceptions of the term — what the Greeks called isegoria and parrhesia.