
Probably no one

James G. Hodge, Lexi White, and Sarah Wetter (ASU): From [A]nthrax to [Z]ika: Key Lessons in Public Health Legal Preparedness. Bent Flyvbjerg (Oxford): Did Megaproject Research Pioneer Behavioral Economics? The Case of Albert O. Hirschman. Dragos Simandan (Brock): Demonic Geographies. Trump condemns “sick” Syria disaster yet slams the door on countless refugees. “Why did you wait?”: Quinta Jurecic on moral emptiness and drone strikes. The moral high ground on Syria is empty. Hungary’s election was a milestone in the decline of democracy. David Leonhardt on the tragedy of James Comey. Tobias Grey reviews The End of the French Intellectual by Shlomo Sand. The introduction to The Tyranny of Metrics by Jerry Z. Muller.

Tierney Sneed on what to make of the FBI’s “extraordinary” raid of Michael Cohen. Fox News explains exactly why the Michael Cohen raid should terrify Donald Trump. Who can stop Jeff Sessions from breaking his recusal pledge? Probably no one.