
Your privacy concerns

Kiel Brennan-Marquez (Georgetown): The Constitutional Limits of Private Surveillance. Amy Gajda (Tulane): Privacy, Press, and the Right to Be Forgotten in the United States. Steven Friedland (Elon): Drinking from the Fire Hose: How Massive Self-Surveillance and the Internet of Things are Changing Constitutional Privacy. Jules Polonetsky (FPF), Omer Tene (IAPP), and Evan Selinger (RIT): Consumer Privacy and the Future of Society. Jana Kalyan Das on philosophical foundations of the right to privacy. Matthew Crain and Anthony Nadler on our commercial surveillance state: Blame the marketers. Forget about Siri and Alexa — when it comes to voice identification, the “NSA reigns supreme”.

Scott Skinner-Thompson (Colorado): Privacy’s Double Standards. Magdalena Jozwiak (Leiden): Internet, Freedom of Speech and Slippery Slope Argument: The Case of the “Right to Be Forgotten”. Adam D. Moore (Washington): Privacy, Interests, and Inalienable Rights. Secrecy is dead — here’s what happens next. For the poor, privacy has never been on offer: Sam Adler-Bell reviews Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor by Virginia Eubanks and The Poverty of Privacy Rights by Khiara M. Bridges. The introduction to Surveillance, Privacy and Public Space, ed. Bryce Clayton Newell, Tjerk Timan, and Bert-Jaap Koops.

Robert H. Sloan (UIC) and Richard Warner (Chicago-Kent): Why Are Norms Ignored? Collective Action and the Privacy Commons. Benjamin Agi (IMT Atlantique) and Nicolas Jullien (Telecom Bretagne): Is the Privacy Paradox in Fact Rational? N. Cameron Russell, Joel R. Reidenberg, and Sumyung Moon (Fordham): Privacy in Gaming. Ignacio Cofone (NYU) and Adriana Robertson (Toronto): Consumer Privacy in a Behavioral World. Jeffrey Sachs on Facebook and the future of online privacy. Creepy or not? Your privacy concerns probably reflect your politics.