

Andreas Musolff (East Anglia): Factual Narrative and Truth in Political Discourse. Sarah C. Haan (Washington and Lee): The Post-Truth First Amendment. RAND is studying “truth decay”, the diminishing role of facts and analysis in American public life. From Informal Logic, a special issue on Reason and Rhetoric in the Time of Alternative Facts, including Lars J. Kristiansen and Bernd Kaussler (James Madison): The Bullshit Doctrine: Fabrications, Lies, and Nonsense in the Age of Trump. Can truth survive this president? An honest investigation. It’s perfectly possible to live in a post-truth era. Propoganda isn’t about trying to fool you: Katherine Murray reviews Post-Truth by Lee McIntyre. Truth, disrupted: False news spreads online faster, farther, and deeper than truth does, but it can be contained — here’s how.