
Impossible choice

Ron Levy (ANU): Shotgun Referendums: Popular Deliberation and Constitutional Settlement in Conflict Societies. Timothy Hicks and Lucy Barnes (UCL): Making Austerity Popular: The Media and Mass Attitudes Towards Fiscal Policy. Theresa May’s impossible choice: With Brexit looming, the Prime Minister is battling Trump, Europe, and her own party. Lawmakers, lobbyists and the administration join forces to overhaul the Endangered Species Act. The Beltway news cycle is burying the horrifying details of the Ohio State sex abuse scandal. Why public libraries are amazing: They may not exactly be socialism, but they’re a model of good publicly-run institutions. Yinon M. Bar-On, Rob Phillips, and Ron Milo on the biomass distribution on Earth. US ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman explains his decision to stay after the Trump-Putin summit. Laid-off New York Daily News staff are victims of class warfare.