
The very thing

Jessica A. Clarke (Vanderbilt): Explicit Bias. Vezir Aktas, Marco Nilsson and Klas Borell (Jonkoping): Social Scientist Under Threat: Resistance and Self-censorship in Turkish Academia. Do psychedelics give access to a universal, mystical experience of reality, or is that just a culture-bound illusion? “I like candidate X, I just don’t think they can win a general election”: “Electability” concerns are often the very thing that keeps candidates from being electable. France has banned street harassment, will fine catcallers. Alex Jones gets to declare a real info war now. Oh, the caucasity: Right rages at Jeong’s white people jokes. This isn’t a government anymore — it’s a game of Truth or Dare. There literally is a tweet for everything.

Trump’s tweet about Donald Jr. and the Russians is a gift to Mueller. Donald Trump keeps publicly confessing to obstructing justice. The media’s frenzy to find a smoking gun: The evidence against Trump is already damning — so why set such a high bar for Robert Mueller's investigation? Trump now faces legal peril bigger than conspiracy and obstruction.