
Steps toward the perfect siesta

From The Global Spiral, a special issue on Transhumanism. For some fans online, Judge Alex Kosinski is on his way to becoming their favorite judge. The Court's new tilt: Everything we thought we knew about the Roberts court seems wrong. From Harper's, what did Anthony Kennedy mean by referring to a Constitution that can be “switched on and off at will” in Boumediene? He was taking dead aim at the notion of a state of exception, a notion that lies in the thinking of Carl Schmitt. A review of The Hitler Salute: On the Meaning of a Gesture by Tilman Allert. From Doublethink, an article on the end of anti-Semitism and other tales: What constitutes legitimate criticism of Israel? A review of Seyla Benhabib's Another Cosmopolitanism: Hospitality, Sovereignty, and Democratic Iterations.  A review of Richard Rorty: The Making of an American Philosopher by Neil Gross. A conversation about a conversation: Ian McEwan talks with Steven Pinker — or does he? The midday snooze has gained new scientific respect; view the steps toward the perfect siesta. Nicole Rudick reviews Chemises by Malick Sidibe. What does gay look like? Science keeps trying to figure that out. A look at how gay couples find marriage is a mixed bag. Because Wilde's worth it: Dorian Gray reimagined as a gay aftershave model for our times? From The Root, how come there are so few brothers on the diamond?