
Hold a sign

From Globality Studies, Diane Barthel-Bouchier and Ming Min Hui (Stony Brook): Places of Cosmopolitan Memory; Martin Albrow (LSE): A New Decade of the Global Age, 1996-2006; and Gert Schmidt (Erlangen): The Changing Globality of the Atlantic Hemisphere. Double U: How to make colleges twice as productive. Liberal legal group American Constitution Society is following new administration’s path to power. From The Nation, a review of books on modern slang. From The New Individualist, if you doubt Ayn Rand’s enduring impact on our culture, stand in the concourse of Grand Central Station and hold a sign bearing her name. From NYRB, the following is the text of Charter 08, signed by hundreds of Chinese intellectuals. The introduction to The Invisible Safety Net: Protecting the Nation's Poor Children and Families by Janet M. Currie. Thank you, your honor, may I have another? An article on the stubbornly seductive perils of justice porn. D.C. sex blogger Washingtonienne on how she went from slut to housewife. If cheating in bed was always settled by the bullet, many of us would be dead. From Conservative Battleline, an article on the conservative counter attack. From The New Yorker, special treatment: Amanda Fortini on the rise of luxury rehab. Elaine Showalter reviews Reborn: Early Diaries 1947-1964 by Susan Sontag (and more from Bookforum).