
The struggle for the soul of the nation

From The Weekly Standard, what Obama isn't saying: Harvey Mansfield on the apolitical politics of progressivism. A review of Architects of Ruin: How Big Government Liberals Wrecked the Global Economy — and How They Will Do It Again If No One Stops Them by Peter Schweizer. A review of The Failure Factory: How Unelected Bureaucrats, Liberal Democrats, and Big Government Republicans Are Undermining America’s Security and Leading Us to War by Bill Gertz. A review of The Great Money Binge: Spending Our Way to Socialism by George Melloan. The New York Times' wunderkind columnist Ross Douthat is on a quest to save intellectual conservatism. From Reason, laboratories of repression: We don’t let the states “experiment” on the First Amendment — should the Second Amendment receive any less respect?; and ninth configurations: Rights “retained by the people” make a comeback. Robert George on abortion and the struggle for the soul of the nation. W. James Antle III on Lou Dobbs' America. From TNR, a review of What Americans Really Want Really by Frank Luntz. Incompetent Foes: Steven Teles on learning the right lessons from the Age of Reagan. No Room for Reagan: Even the Gipper would fail the litmus test that conservatives have created in his name. Markos Moulitsas Zuniga on the 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans: "The results are nothing short of startling" (and two responses). One cross of gold, coming up: How the government could get even with right-wing cranks. Lee Siegel on how to handle GOP tantrums.