
What science can tell us

From Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, a special issue on epistemic boundaries. In arguing that quantum physics challenges the materialist view of the world, Jay Lakhani gets his science wrong. From Prospect, never has so much money poured into scientific research, yet the results add up to surprisingly little — have we finally come to the end of what science can tell us? From New Statesman, a look at today’s most cutting-edge scientific thinking: from switching off ageing to “enhancing” our babies, understanding consciousness to finding dark matter. A review of The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements by Sam Kean (and more and more and more). A review of The World Makers: Scientists of the Restoration and the Search for the Origins of the Earth by William Poole. A review of A Grand and Bold Thing: An Extraordinary New Map of the Universe Ushering in a New Era of Discovery by Ann K. Finkbeiner. Cosmology's not broken, so why try to fix it? Claims that there is something wrong with our standard model of the universe rest on flawed logic. A review of How it Ends: From You to the Universe by Chris Impey (and more). From Big Think, Michio Kaku on how to explore the universe and how to travel to a parallel universe, how to become a superhero and how to build a sci-fi robot, and how to teleport and become invisible.