
A rare confluence of factors

From UNISCI Discussion Papers, a special issue on Turkey. Kate Lockwood Harris (UNC): The Communicative Criterion: Establishing a New Standard for Non-Violent Sexual Encounters by Reframing Consent. From Studies in Literature and Language, Safi Mahmoud Mahfouz (UNRWA): Tragic Passion, Romantic Eloquence, and Betrayal in Eugene O’Neill’s Desire Under the Elms; and Asim Karim (Goaml): Eugene O’Neill’s Concern with Sexuality and the Behavioral Disorders. From THES, how bad is mainstream science reporting? Zoe Corbyn investigates the issues and considers whether a paradigm shift is needed. Calvin Coolidge’s maxim that the business of the American people is business holds true in sports from the high school level to the NFL, but does the structure of professional leagues undermine the American capitalist ideal? From The American Interest, Ukraine after the Revolution: Viktor Yanukovych is neither a devil nor an angel — he is the democratically elected President of Ukraine, and on that basis the West ought to help him succeed (and more); and sanctions don’t always fail, but it takes a rare confluence of factors for them to work — case in point, Belarus. From Wired UK, a look at how Asimov’s robot laws ended up on’s server. An interview with Sherri Goodman, former deputy undersecretary of defense in environmental security, on the military's concern with climate change. The first chapter from Philosophy of Language by Scott Soames. Conversations With Literary Websites: An interview with Daniel Pritchard, founder of The Critical Flame. A review of Blood and Belief: The Circulation of a Symbol Between Jews and Christians by David Biale. Stephanie Mencimer on Rick Santorum's Anal Sex Problem: Why Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum can't beat his Google troubles.