
In our cultural DNA

Erik Olin Wright (Wisconsin): Understanding Class: Towards an Integrated Analytical Approach. A review of Overhaul: An Insider's Account of the Obama Administration's Emergency Rescue of the Auto Industry by Steven Rattner (and more and more). The Jackass Effect: As Johnny Knoxville and friends release their newest film, has everyone finally wearied of their absurdist, violent, and sublime daredevilry, or is it now in our cultural DNA? An interview with Meredith Maran, author of My Lie: A True Story of False Memory. A look at why 30 is the new 20. The Devil Wears Taupe: Not all the world's dictators are clotheshorses, but as these leaders show, sometimes politics, power, and polyester combine to make fashion magic. Re-Animators: Ever since Steven Spielberg brought Jurassic Park to the big screen, teams of biotechnologists have been working to bring extinct animals back to life. From The Christian Post, John Whitehead on Lady Gaga and the pornification of America. Polygyny can actually be economically beneficial to women because of “Pareto efficiency”. The risks and rewards of royal incest: King Tut’s family was not the only royalty to have close relations among its close relations. You can download the book The Professionalized Self: Learning to Succeed in a Middle-Class World by Melvyn L. Fein. Save the parks, charge more! Some state parks are closing due to budget shortfalls — others are raising their user fees. Why do terrorists blow themselves up? Riaz Hassan on his book Life as a Weapon: The Global Rise of Suicide Bombings.