
In the Americas

Otto Argueta (Hamburg): Blocked Democracies in Central America. From Brazilian Political Science Review, Rafael Duarte Villa (USP): Armed Forces in South America: The Ambivalent Dynamics of Civil-military Relations in the Context of the New Democracies; and Gabriela da Silva Tarouco (UFPE): Brazilian Parties According to their Manifestos: Political Identity and Programmatic Emphases. From the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, a special issue of Latin America's response to China's rise. From Military Review, policy options for a Cuban Spring: Gregory Weeks and Erin Fiorey offer recommendations for U.S. policy options in the eventuality of a "Cuban spring". A review of Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment by Samuel Farber. Who wants to buy Honduras? A small country’s big decision to start from scratch — at least in one city. A review of Economists in the Americas. From Guernica, an interview with Juan Claudio Lechin on the conditions that predicate fascism and the morality of anarchism. Was Pablo Neruda murdered? Chilean courts have decided to reexamine the death of the poet, who some suspect was killed by the Pinochet regime.