Sarah Boxer

  • *Louise Bourgeois, _The Destruction of the Father_, 1974,* latex, plaster, wood, fabric, red light, 7' 9 5/8“ x 11' 10 5/8” x 8' 1 7/8". © The Easton Foundation/Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Collection Glenstone Museum, Potoma
    Culture September 7, 2021

    WHILE WANDERING AROUND the Jewish Museum’s haunting exhibition “Louise Bourgeois, Freud’s Daughter,” curated by the artist’s former literary archivist Philip Larratt-Smith, I stopped at a melancholy sculpture called Ventouse, 1990, a double-decker hunk of hacked, chipped black marble that resembles a sarcophagus. The coffin is topped by protruding glass cups, their rounded ends lit from within by electric bulbs.