paper trail

May 29, 2012 @ 12:03:00 am

Saddam Hussein's daughter, Raghad Saddam Hussein, is looking for a publisher for his father's memoir

Saddam Hussein’s eldest daughter is looking for a publisher to release her father’s handwritten memoirs.

New York magazine has a buzzy feature on how the New York Times’s business strategy and growth have been the result of a longstanding partnership between Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. and advertising executive Janet Robinson—and how with Sulzberger’s recent marriage, Robinson has “found herself caught between her increasingly remote boss and a frustrated family ­worried over the future of its 116-year-old fortune.”

After her previous nonfiction book got good reviews but sold poorly, author Jennifer Miller enlisted Beltway celebrities to rally behind her debut novel. With the help of her dad, a former State Department official, Miller made her own book trailer, and enlisted Brian Williams, Christiane Amanpour, and former Secretary of State James Baker to star in it.

Were the early years of the Paris Review funded by CIA money? That’s Joel Whitney’s melodramatic claim in an investigative piece for Salon, but critics are pointing out that it’s hardly news. It’s no secret that one of the Paris Review founders, Peter Matthiessen, worked for the Agency, nor is it a revelation that the Congress for Cultural Freedom—a CIA-funded organization dedicated to fighting the spread of communism—funded many magazines, including the Review. “While the piece is interesting for the window it provides into the cultural aspects of the Cold War,” Carolyn Kellogg writes at the LA Times,“that window seems to be installed askance.”

What one HTML Giant contributor learned about writing from reading Victor Shklovsky.

Question: Why have an indie band from Brooklyn, a lawmaker from Maryland, and a married couple from Illinois all picked up a hitchhicking John Waters over the past several weeks? Answer: Because the sixty-six year old filmmaker is hitchhiking around the country to research his book Carsick, forthcoming from FSG.